yielding support
My hospital is one of many places that benefited from the support of Queen Alexandra.
She is gaving Shinichi the pure love and strongest support since they were very young.
But demanding too much of air travelers or providing too little security in return undermines public support for process.
For the national key projects in Tianjin and provide technical support and equipment support.
CHANGE HOW ( this is the proposition and support )
如何改变 ( 品牌主张与支持 )
We can support the proposition substituting bamboo for wood on producing chopsticks with sound reasons.
Proponents of cell research point declaration and covenant to support their cause.
Yielding can properly be termed failure.
In proceeding, reply query promptly and provide various technical support at inspection and acceptance of product.
产品售中, 保证在产品验收时到货前及时解答您的疑难问题,提供各方面的技术支持.
She expressed support for democracy promotion, but in less prominent written answers submitted for the record.
她表达了对促进民主制度的支持, 但却是在提交备案时,在不那么重要的书面答复中才有提及.
C ++ Be a static data type checking, and support for multiple programming paradigms common programming languages.
C++是一种静态数据类型检查的, 支持多重编程范式的通用程序设计语言.
The Company wide channels, the strength of technical proficiency, professional support.
本公司渠道广泛 、 实力雄厚、技术精通, 专业支持.
MIG has over 100 professional support staff members.
QPMA will support QPM for all Quality actions on the production line.
Support other procurement activities of the Company.
Most of the proceeds will go to programmes that support victims of sexual assault.
The frozen subsoil prevents roots from growing deep enough to support them.
Many of them are privately on his side but cannot support him in public.
At that time, keeping the system going required increasing support from abroad, primarily from Europe.
那时, 保持系统运转需要来自国外, 主要是欧洲的支持.
Much preponderance , such as resources , location, market, can support the development of Xi'an agri - tourism.
西安市发展农业旅游具有资源 、 市场 、 区位等多方面的优势.